Frequently Asked Questions Crap

Are your lobang trustworthy?

How dare you asked such an impetuous question. Even the butler of the a particular Lee family routinely visit us. (Zhun Bor…? We think so lah!)

Will any harm come to me?

I mean you choose to come to this site to read or see. If you read, don’t apply, then what’s the point. Then again if you don’t bother to apply. Then no harm will come to you right? At most tio scam…..he he he…eh we are not responsible.

Who make this site?

A DemiGod borned out of wedlock between Merlion, Vanda Miss Joaqium and Shang Qi’s Dragon. No sperm and eggs were harm in this process. Only lots of frustration.

Why so not serious?

Astronomical HDB prices – Lighting Mouse said its affordable
COE only for selected few – it must go up! Some Lighting donkey said so
Cai Png Scam – Flour laden fish and meat selling for Starfuck prices
Salary no increase – only GST increase

We must bring more lobang to serve the wider good of Singaporeans. We must attend every free event and eat junk food they give us.